Practicing good email hygiene is a bit of a technical voodoo art. Some smart behaviour can prevent viruses, spam, blacklisting, and other terrible things.
It includes things like
- Don't give out your email address too often and in public places
- Don't share your password
- Don't use the same password on different accounts and services
- Use complex passwords (there are lots of opinions about what a complex password is)
- Change your password occasionally, or possibly your email address too.
- Don't use an obvious email address (i.e., avoid accounts@ info@ and admin@ etc.)
- Have separate throw-away email address(es)
- Don't subscribe to dodgy services.
- Have an SPF record in DNS to help prevent email spoofing (I can help)
- Use a spam blocker, info:
- Use a virus checker
- Use an inbox rule. tip:
- Learn how to spot suspicious emails
- Check before clicking links, or opening documents in emails
- Check with and subscribe to to breach services (I can recommend )
- Keep your desktop and other devices secure
- Follow other general email best-practices -(some tips here: )
- Consider Spear-Phishing and Whaling
- Use a different email address for any marketing
- Don't send marketing messages with lots of CCs; use separate messages.
- Use a professional email marketing platform (such as mailchimp) rather than your own email system for bulk mail-outs
- Follow anti-spam law: and
I'm sure you can google more and different advice, it's a bit of a balance between usability and security and there are lots of opinions.
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